Shawshank is a lovable, soft dog-bear! He has the cutest wiggle nubbin and will do AN-Y-THING for a snack! He loves to walk and lay with the volunteers. Hasn't figured out how to play with toys yet but he enjoys using his "sniff mats" where we hide goodies in different brain teasers and he works his magic! In the same way, he doesn't know how to play with other dogs yet so he likes calm dogs! Make sure to check out my videos by clicking the "Play Button" below my photos (check back frequently for more photos/videos)!
*Remember - AFO DOES NOT HAVE ANY INFORMATION or guesses as to breed from dogs pulled out of high euthanasia risk shelters. We CAN guarantee that like all 2 & 4 legged children brought into a home - this pup deserves to be cared for, guided to behave properly and loved for all they are and have been through!