All of our cats have a specific daily routine intended to help them transition as easily as possible into new homes. As soon as new cats are cleared from quarantine, they become roommates in one of the studio apartments with our other resident cats.
All kittens are placed in foster homes so they can learn proper socializing skills with their litter mates or other kittens their age. We highly encourage the adoption of 2 kittens as cats are highly social animals and having a cat friend to grow up with makes them better adjust cats. We offer a discounted rate on the second cat/kitten adoption fee.
Our "Flower Children" are those kitties that came from abusive or traumatizing experiences they have yet to heal completely from. They are all looking for love, peace and simple living in calm, patient and low expectation homes.
All of the kitties marked PRE-ADOPTION ELIGIBLE have NOT been cleared for immediate adoption. This means they are either unaltered, too young or have not had the required age appropriate preventative care vaccinations and/or tests. These kitties are eligible for Pre-Adoption but WILL NOT BE READY TO GO HOME for another 2-5 weeks!
All other kitties have been cleared for adoption and are available to go home immediately! This means they are spayed/altered, of adoption age and have all of the required age appropriate preventative care vaccinations and tests.
***Make sure to read the Pre-Adoption Terms carefully if considering this option: Adoption Fees***
Become an All Fur One Pre-Approved Adopters. Pre-approved adopters can adopt a Cat with us for up to 3 months! Become an All Fur One Pre-Approved Adopters. Pre-approved adopters can adopt a Cat with us for up to 3 months! One of our "Flower Children" looking for love, peace and simple living. Cutie! Pretty Lady Cutie! Cutie! Cutie! One of our "Flower Children" looking for love, peace and simple living. I'm Catwoman (much better than Batman but just as moody) Not accepting Applications. Please see his bio on how you can help care for Celery. Sweetie! Cutie! Cutie! Handsome boy! WOW! You are the purrfect match for me! Click my pic to learn how. Cutie! Sweetie! Cutie! One of our "Flower Children" looking for love, peace and simple living. Sweetie! Handsome boy! Cute little girl! Little cutie! Cutie Cutie! One of our "Flower Children" looking for love, peace and simple living. Cutie! Cutie! Cutie! Office Litter Cutie One of our "Flower Children" looking for love, peace and simple living. Cutie! Cutie! Cutie! Little cutie! Sweetie Cutie Cutie! Little Beauty! Cutie! Sweetheart! Panther in training Cutie! Sweetie Cutie! Cutie! Flower Child